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Best images of All Kitchen Appliances.

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Different types of domestic robots

A  domestic robot  is a type of  service robot , an  autonomous robot  that is primarily used for  house hold  chores , but may also be used for  education ,  entertainment  or  therapy . Thus far, there are only a few limited models, though speculators, such as  Bill Gates , have suggested that they could become more common in the future.  While most domestic robots are simplistic, some are connected to  WiFi  home networks or  smart environments  and are  autonomous  to a high degree. Indoor robots This type of domestic robot does chores around and inside homes. Different kinds include: Robotic vacuum cleaners  and  floor-washing robots  that clean floors with sweeping and wet mopping functions. Some use  Swiffer  or other disposable cleaning cloths to dry-sweep, or reusable microfiber cloths to wet-mop. Dressman is a robot to  iron  shirts using hot air. Cat litter robots are automatic self-cleaning  litter boxes  that filter clumps out into a built-in waste recepta